Veltrix – Admin & Dashboard Template Veltrix is a premium and fully responsive admin template & starter-kit with bootstrap version 4.3.1


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

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**Veltrix** is a premium and fully responsive admin template & starter-kit with bootstrap version 4.3.1. It is a highly polished admin application in React with redux, Node Js, Laravel, PHP, AJAX and HTML languages. It looks beautiful with all sizes, be it a Monitors, laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. It would be perfect for an app product showcase, startups, personal websites, and even web agencies. You will be easily able to customize it for your needs with any of the above versions. It has everything you need to launch your site in a couple of hours!

**Note:-** We have created reusable react components and bootstrap components with jQuery, so you can build multiple apps with common components. All files and code have been well organized and nicely commented for easy to understand.

We have not used jQuery in both React Js version.

Default login credentials: Email:- [email protected] Password:- test


+ Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
+ Built with Bootstrap 4.3.1
+ Horizontal & Vertical Layouts
+ LTR & RTL Support
+ Reactjs, Nodejs, Laravel, Ajax and PHP version available
+ Clean and Flat design
+ HTML5 & CSS3
+ SASS Support
+ Login, register, error pages
+ Calendar view
+ Form validation
+ Invoice with ready print button
+ Directory List page
+ Google maps
+ Drop zone file upload
+ Summernote Editor
+ 6+ Charts Library
+ Datatables
+ Error pages included

**Built with:**
+ React
+ React Redux
+ Redux Saga
+ Create React App
+ React Router Dom 5
+ Fontawesome
+ React Data Table Component
+ React Bootstrap Table Next
+ Availity Reactstrap Validation
+ Google Map React
+ Apexcharts
+ Echarts
+ Chartist
+ Axios
+ Axios Mock Adapter
+ React Dropzone


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