Unikit – PHP Admin & Dashboard Template PHP Admin Dashboard Template


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

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**Unikit** is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in **PHP 7.4** with developer-friendly codes and Multi-Lingual support and few reusable components.

**Unikit** is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal designed admin template with** Dark, Light** Layouts options. You can build web applications like Saas-based interface, eCommerce, Analytics apps, Admin Panels, etc.

It will help your team moving faster and saving development costs and valuable time. If you’re a developer and looking for an admin dashboard that is fully responsive PHP 7.4. reusable components then you are at the right place to start your project using **Unikit.**


+ Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
+ PHP 7.4
+ Clean and Flat design
+ Clean & Well Commented Codes
+ Horizontal, Vertical and Dark Layouts
+ Light and dark Sidebar
+ Analytics and Ecommerce App
+ Login, register, error pages
+ Email Templates
+ Form validation
+ Apex Charts Library
+ Invoice with ready print button
+ Profile page
+ Google, Vector maps & Leaflet maps
+ Drop zone file upload
+ Tinymce Wysihtml5
+ Datatables
+ FREE Lifetime Updates


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