ST Landingpage – Shopify Template shops selling only one product or introducing products only, not purchase.


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

Payment Methods


ST Landingpage is the most special Shopify theme which provides you with a variety of templates for choosing. ST Landingpage is an ideal template for shops selling only one product or introducing products only, not purchase.

Visitors just need to manipulate with the home page and shopping cart. Therefore, you will not waste your time. All you need is just clicking into top menu, items you want to see will automatically appear on the screen without having to pull down or move the mouse. In addition, each demo displays only one product but it offers customers with various colors and demonstrates details of the products. Visitors can make a choice and comparison among the product in different colors to choose the best one.

Moreover, ST Landingpage supports to show videos. You can add video to your page to draw attention of customers. Testimonial is also the feature of this template. By showing previous comment of users, new visitors will feel more confident in the page.

Last but not least, everything is super simple, but customers can add items to the cart without leaving the main shop page. The template offers Add to cart button below the description of product. This brings convenience for customers.

+ 100% fully responsive
+ Multi-stores
+ Twitter Bootstrap 3
+ HTML5 & CSS3
+ Font awesome icons integrated
+ Powerful configuration
+ unlimited colors custom
+ Float style
+ Mega menu
+ Multiple Header style
+ Slideshow
+ Product carousel ( Bootstrap carousel or Owl carousel)
+ 2 types product hover
+ Product count down
+ Daily deal page
+ New Letter Popup
+ Customizable product category page
+ Grid & List Mode
+ Product Hover & Quick View
+ Customer Reviews
+ Product review module
+ Social networking
+ 404 page
+ Blog Style
+ Detail Blog
+ Product wish list
+ Ajax cart
+ Blog page
+ Newsletter
+ Seo optimized
+ Google ’s rich product snippets
+ Wow animated js
+ Browser comparison


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