PlayKit – Web Application Kit & Dashboard admin, app, application, bootstrap, charts, crm, D3, dashboard, kit, panel, Ra-Themes, software


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

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PlayKit Admin Template. It provides you with a vast collection of ready to use , utilities many custom pages and a collection of applications and widgets

+ Dashboard
+ Dashboard 1
+ Dashboard Hover
+ UI Kit
+ Buttons
+ Alerts
+ Panels
+ Lists
+ cons
+ Media
+ Widgets
+ Tabs Accordions
+ Progress
+ Mail Box
+ Inbox
+ Compose
+ Search
+ Web Results
+ Images Results
+ Videos Results
+ User Results

+ Profile
+ Prices
+ Invoice
+ Gallery
+ Gallery 2
+ Apps
+ MailBox App
+ Calendar App
+ Contacts App
+ Tasks Widget
+ Extras
+ Login
+ Sign Up
+ Reset Password
+ Unlock Screen
+ 404 Error
+ Documentation
+ Settings


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