Gogo React – React Admin Template Gogo is a combination of beautifully crafted admin panel and fully featured landing page.


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

Payment Methods



Gogo’s main focus is attention for details and quality.
We used same design language for components, layouts, apps and other parts of the themes.
Hope you enjoy it!


+ Right Click Menu
+ Video Player
+ Keyboard Shortcuts
+ Two Panels Menu
+ Icons Mind (Save $79)
+ 10 Color Schemes
+ 3 Applications
+ Lots of Components


+ Dashboard.psd
+ Chat.psd
+ Details.psd
+ Library.psd
+ ListImage.psd
+ ListThumbs.psd
+ Login.psd
+ Mailing.psd
+ Survey.psd
+ RightModal.psd
+ Profile-Social.psd
+ Profile-Portfolio.psd
+ Profile-Portfolio-Detail.psd
+ Details.psd
+ Coming.Soon.psd
+ Knowledge.Base.psd


+ Availity Reactstrap Validation
+ Axios
+ Chart.js
+ Chartjs Plugin Datalabels
+ Classnames
+ Draft.js
+ Fine Uploader
+ Firebase
+ Moment
+ Rc-slider
+ Rc-switch
+ React
+ React Autosuggest
+ React Big Calendar
+ React Chartjs 2
+ React Circular Progressbar
+ ReactJS Datepicker
+ ReactDOM
+ React Fine Uploader
+ React Intl
+ React Loadable
+ React Perfect Scrollbar
+ React Quill
+ React Rater
+ React Redux
+ React Router Dom
+ React Select
+ React Sortable
+ React Table
+ React Tagsinput
+ React Transition Group
+ Reactstrap
+ Redux
+ Redux Saga
+ Sortable
+ Videojs


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