Farmacie – Pharmacy & Drug Store Theme Pharmacy & Drug Store Theme


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

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**Farmacie** is a purpose-made WordPress Theme to showcase online drug stors and online pharmacies. The design invites your clients to trust you, your methods, and equipment over any other. It bundles a clean and user-friendly layout, booking appointments, woocommerce compatibility and more.

Farmacie theme also comes with niche functionalities for medical centers and clinics, such as:

* Made with Elementor Page Builder;
* User-Friendly page builder;
* Compatible with: Contact Form 7;
* Compatible with: WooCommerce;
* Compatible with: WooCommerce Wishlist, Compare and Quick view plugins;
* Compatible with: Mailchimp;
* Multilanguage Ready *(Via WPML/Loco translate);
* Multiple demo variants;
* Pricing tables and services pricing blocks;
* Header Builder (Inside Customizer Options);
* Footer Builder (Inside Customizer Options);
* Well Documented ;
* Constant Updates;
* Services grids and single service page templates;
* Mailchimp subscription forms;
* Multiple Clinic locations (map pins with pages for each clinic);
* Unique graphics for creating amazing clinic websites;
* +30 Custom shortcodes;
* Dedicated help team;
* Powerful Admin Interface;
* Highly Customizable;
* One-Click Demo Content Import;
* Large collection of pages and layouts;
* No coding knowledge required;


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