Dashmin | Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Dashmin is a fully-featured powerful modern admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap and Sass for


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

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**Dashmin** is a **fully-featured powerful modern admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap and Sass for all kinds of backend projects.** It comes with a bunch of working JavaScript apps to build your next back-end application with ease.

Dashmin Admin also comes with a multitude of reusable components such as buttons, maps, charts, widgets, forms, tables, and a bunch of elements that you can include in your project. The design is responsive and is 100% adapted to mobile devices of all sizes. Anyone can easily update/edit this template by following our Well Sorted Documentation.

**Main Features of Dashmin:**

* Latest Stable Bootstrap v4.x Ready
* Fully Responsive
* SASS Powered
* Clean Design
* Well Commented Codes
* Huge Number of Components
* Google Font
* Flexible Charts and Maps
* Icofont Icons
* Modern Cross Browser Support
* E-Commerce Dashboard, Product-Catelog, Product-Details, Orders, Cart Pages
* Pixel Perfect Design
* W3C Validated Code
* Well Documented
* Error Free Code
* Life Time Updates
* Exclusive Support
* In-Depth Documentation
* Invoices List, Edit, and Details page
* Contacts and Profile page
* Data tables
* 6 chart libraries
* Functional Applications
* Email
* Chat
* Todo List
* Calendar
* Invoice
* File Manager
* Project Manager
* Task List
* Create New Board
* Extra Pages
* Pricing Table, Profile, Faq, Timeline Page
* Login, Register, Forgot Password, Reset Password Page
* 404 Error, 500 Error Page
* Maintenance, Coming Soon, Session Timeout, Not authorized Page Page
* Audio & Video Player
* Drag & Drop
* Organized Folder Structure


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