Acamar — Tiled Layout Responsive HTML Template Acamar Template has a fully responsive layout that adapts perfectly for all device resolutions.


  • INR: ₹ 50.00

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**Acamar — Corporate and Business HTML Template**

With tiled layout and overall clean design, **Acamar** provides the perfect base for your corporate website. Сustom block styles and a many of handy features offer you the flexibility you need to present content.

Template development done right, based on a well-engineered UIkit — a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. UIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS, and JS components which is simple to use, easy to customize and extendable.

Acamar Template has a fully responsive layout that adapts perfectly for all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and desktops.

**Template Features**
* Powerful UIkit Framework.
* Carousels, Slider, Buttons, Gallery, Team, Tabs, Accordions, Animated Number, Modals, Pricing, Google Maps, Contact forms, Call to Action, Testimonials and more.
* Fully Responsive Design.
* E-commerce pages. Turns your site into a powerful e-commerce solution. Create online store or catalog with ease.
* Powerful Menu System with columns, icons, multi level dropdowns and Off-Canvas Menu.
* Place vector icons anywhere using an icon font. Font Awesome 4 (300+ Icons)
* Sticky Header with menu. Improve your website usability using Sticky feature. Main menu and logo will always be at the top of the screen, automatically following when user will scroll down.
* We added 6 amazing color styles. And you can build your own color style.
* Typography based on Google Fonts.
* Custom Offline and 404 Pages.
* Clean and fresh looking.
* 50+ pages.
* Page Base Typography — Provides the default style for all HTML elements.
* Page Icons — Place vector icons anywhere using an icon font.
* Page Preloaders — Make the user experience more pleasant and more enjoyable.
* Page Grid — Create a fully responsive, fluid and nestable grid layout.
* Page Utility — A collection of useful utility classes to style your content.
* Page Tab — Create a tabbed navigation with different styles.
* Page Table — Easily create nicely looking tables, which come in different styles.
* Page Form — Easily create nicely looking forms with different styles and layouts.
* Page Button — Easily create nicely looking buttons, which come in different styles.
* Page Badge — Easlily create nicely looking badges to label and highlight your content.
* Page Thumbnail — Create different thumbnail images, which come in various styles and sizes.
* Page Overlay — Create an image overlay, which comes in different styles.
* Page Progress — Defines different styles for progress bars.
* Page Text — A collection of useful text utility classes to style your content.
* Page Dropdown — Defines different styles for a toggleable dropdown.
* Page Modal — Create modal dialogs with different styles and transitions.
* Page Scrollspy — Trigger events and animations while scrolling your page.
* Page Switcher — Dynamically transition through different content panes.
* Page Panel — Create layout boxes with different styles.
* Page Animation — A basic collection of smooth animations to use within your page.
* Page Navbar — Defines different styles for the navigation bar.
* Page Accordion — Create a list of items, allowing each item’s content to be expanded and collapsed by clicking its header.
* Page Dynamic Grid — Create a multi-column, dynamic grid layout whose items can be sorted and filtered.
* Page Parallax Grid — Create an effect which scrolls the single columns of a grid with different speeds.
* Page Slider — Create a list of items to use as a responsive carousel slider
* Page Slideset — Create sets and groups of items, allowing to loop through the sets.
* Page Parallax — Animate CSS properties depending on the scroll position of the document.
* Page Sticky — Make elements remain at the top of the viewport, like a sticky navbar.
* Page Tooltip — Easily create a nicely looking tooltip.
* Page Datepicker — Create a toggleable dropdown with an datepicker.
* Page Timepicker — Create a timepicker which can easily be used by selecting a time value from a pre filled dropdown.
Icons, badges, progressbars.
* Scroll animation (fadeIn, rollIn, bounceIn and lots more) option for different blocks.
* W3C Valid HTML.
* Well documented HTML and CSS files.
* Rich typography.
* Documentation included.

**What is included in package:**
* Acamar Template Package (
* Documentation – Detailed documentation on how to configure and use the template.

Note: Some images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.


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